Department: |
Institutional Analysis and Planning |
Effective Date: |
February, 2012 |
Grade: |
USG 14
35 hr/wk
Reports to: |
Associate Director, Institutional |
General Accountability
The Manager, Institutional Evaluation and Accountability in Institutional Analysis and Planning is accountable for monitoring and reporting on the progress in meeting uW strategic goals and priorities, evaluation of special initiatives, and routine monitoring of the institutional performance. This position requires a strong educational and professional background in performance management, program evaluation and related applied social research methods, as well as proven experience in staff supervision. The incumbent leads a team of Institutional Analysts in facilitating planning and evaluation activities at the institutional level, and ensures that senior leadership and external users and partners receive comprehensive and reliable reports on uW performance and strategic initiatives.
Nature and Scope
Reporting to the Office of the Vice President, Academic and Provost, Institutional Analysis & Planning (IAP) is responsible for providing overall strategic and operational planning support to the University of Waterloo. IAP gathers data and information from a variety of institutional and external sources, including background papers and literature reviews, surveys, government reports, environmental scans, and data generated by the IAP’s Data Analytics and Reporting team. The Evaluation and Accountability team develops and/or interprets these various sources of evidence and performs needs assessments, proposes evaluation plans and evaluates various institutional interventions and strategic initiatives. This team provides senior administrators with reports, briefing notes, presentations, ad hoc analyses and other formats of information to inform their decision making, This team also routinely connects and collaborates with outside agencies such as the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, the Council of Ontario Universities, U 15 and others, on matters related to academic and resource planning, policy issues, and various special initiatives.
Institutional Analysis and Planning is undergoing expansion of its functions and further differentiation and improvement of various analytical and reporting activities. The role of the Evaluation and Accountability team is critical for ensuring that various forms of evidence are effectively used, analyzed and interpreted to inform future policy and practice decisions. This team also plays a critical role in building successful working relationships across uW and with external partners, ensuring appropriate stakeholder engagement and a participatory approach in all planning and evaluation activities.
The Manager, Institutional Evaluation and Accountability will be working with the IAP leadership team on the overall planning, prioritizing and management of the core functions of the Institutional Analysis and Planning.
The Evaluation and Accountability team is responsible for engaging internal and external partners in collaborative processes to identify, plan and execute projects that enable uW to meet its strategic objectives and priorities. As such, it is critical that this team acquires, develops and maintains productive and collaborative relationships within IAP, all uWaterloo faculties and departments and relevant external partners. This team assists Faculties, departments and the institution as a whole in determining their goals, objectives, desired interventions and measures of success, and reports on the progress and outcomes of the interventions.
The Evaluation and Accountability team assists in strategic and operational planning, development of evaluation frameworks, indicators of success and monitoring activities and reports on the progress in meeting these objectives. The team success depends on reliable data produced by the Data Analytics and Reporting team as well as various other sources of information. The resulting analytical reports are used to develop university-wide performance indicators and monitoring activities, development of policy alternatives; preparation of responses, statements or positions on various issues for internal and external communication; interpretations of government policy; and analysis of university objectives. The Evaluation and Accountability team is expected to provide reports, consult with the stakeholders and propose policy and practice recommendations to the senior leadership at the University.
Statistical Data
- IAP’s main impact is at the university-wide level.
- IAP is responsible for the income projections for the university budget – tuition and fees, operating grants from government – the 2011/12 income budget was over $400 million.
- IAP is responsible for the calculation and allocation of budgets to Faculties and UW Colleges in excess of $61,000,000.
- We maintain computerized, historical databases containing data on student-course activity for more than 150 terms of registration, faculty appointments, ranks, etc. from the beginning of the university (1957 – more than 50 years). The existing database has in excess of 150 data tables, some containing millions of records.
Specific Accountabilities
Monitoring of Institutional Accountability
- Timely delivery of data and evidence needed for undergraduate and graduate Academic Department Reviews
- Completion of the annual reports related to the multi-year accountability agreements and other reports to the MTCU, U15 and other partnering institutions
- Supporting uW stakeholders in developing specific, measurable, actionable and realistic indicators of success and progress in meeting their strategic and operational needs.
- Annual monitoring and reporting on the progress of meeting the uW strategic and special initiative goals and objectives
- Presenting and sharing indicators of progress with decision making bodies and various other audiences and stakeholders
- Preparation of annual and special purpose reports such as performance indicators, research impact reports, and other established performance measures;
- Timely delivery of appropriate information, analyses, reports and projections in support of the academic, fiscal and strategic planning of the university;
- Development of effective verbal, written and web based communication and information sharing strategies to ensure timely and effective use of performance and progress reports
- Leadership or co-leadership on specific projects, as required
Strategic and Operational Planning
- Successful facilitation of strategic planning activities across uW which enables stakeholder participation and transparent communication
- Assisting cross-institutional teams, faculties and departments in developing sound strategic and operational plans that result in measurable outcomes and actionable evaluation and monitoring plans
Administration of Surveys and other Applied Research Methods
- Ensuring successful development and implementation of surveys, focus groups, key informant interviews, environmental scans and other social research methods that support institutional planning and analysis
- Supporting the Survey Leadership Team in development and application of principles and guidelines for campus-wide survey activities, including ongoing surveys such as NSSE, CUSC, GPSS, as well as other surveys and inquiries that benefit institutional planning and evaluation
- Administration and facilitation of the surveys and the development of appropriate reports to respond to selected strategic questions and inquiries;
- Use of various quantitative and qualitative data gathering methods to acquire data and information for needs assessments, environmental scans, consultations, evaluation and accountability reports
Monitoring, Interpreting and Supporting Data related to Institutional Ranking
- Collecting and Submitting data as requested for external institutional ranking activities
- Coordination of the interpretation and sharing of institutional ranking information with senior leadership and other uW stakeholders
- Motivate and develop staff by providing continuous feedback, coaching and guidanceto the Evaluation and Accountability team Analysts in their tasks, projects, and professional development
- Preparation and delivery of annual performance reviews of the Evaluation and Accountability team staff
Relationships and Collaboration
- Development of productive, collegial working relationship with theIAP leadership team
- Consistent use of the Basic Principles for the uWaterloo workplace
- Building and maintaining effective reporting and collegial relationship with Associate Director
- Contribute to the development of strategic priorities and operational plans for the IAP office
- Develop productive, collegial working relationships with institutional stakeholders, to ensure IAP is informed of the needs, and strategic directions across uW
- Develop a facilitative approach in carrying out the day-to-day and strategic responsibilities
- Prepare and deliver presentations at internal and external meetings or conferences
- Assume responsibility for the monitoring of, and reporting on, the implementation of strategic plans and outcomes for the relevant goals of the IAP office
- Participate in relevant internal and external committees and councils,or events
Working Conditions
- Most of the work is performed in the office environment, including regular meetings with various internal and external partners, internal and external committees and networks;
- Occasional travel; teleconferences and webinars for the purpose of project management, information sharing and networking
- Continuous use of computer, audio-visual and other technology to record, communicate and review data, reports, presentations, etc.