Department: | Management Sciences | August, 2012 | |
Grade: |
USG 6 35 hr/wk |
Reports to: | Administrative Officer (Spv) |
This position is directly accountable for ensuring the smooth operation of the undergraduate programs in Management Sciences, following Department, Faculty of Engineering, and University Registrar policies and procedures according to the established Calendar. The incumbent is responsible for Undergraduate Office Administration, Management Engineering Student Academic Records and Advisement, and works closely with the Engineering Undergraduate Studies Office to coordinate details and prepare materials required for the periodic accreditation review of Management Engineering by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB). An important role for this position is to provide continuity of undergraduate procedures and expert support for new Associate Chairs for Undergraduate Studies, and for the departmental Examinations and Promotions Officer. The Undergraduate Coordinator reports directly to the Administrative Officer of the Department of Management Sciences and receives direction from the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies.
The Undergraduate Advisor/Administrative Coordinator works in a fully computerized environment and manages the day-to-day operation of the Undergraduate activities of the Department, often making academic administrative support decisions. Under the academic direction of the Associate Chair, the incumbent is responsible for academic counselling, and the development and implementation of academic services for the Management Sciences Undergraduate Program. The position requires a high degree of knowledge of academic progression rules and graduation requirements, as well as an understanding of the co-op system. The position requires that the Undergraduate Administrative Coordinator be able to anticipate the demands of the Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate Studies Office, Registrar’s Office, faculty administrators and undergraduate students, and be able to prioritize these demands in advance of deadline notification. As student support, the Undergraduate Advisor/Coordinator brings a strong customer service focus to the role. For academic progression, graduation recommendations, and curriculum activities, the person must be highly organized and have excellent attention to detail. There are many last minute details, so incumbent must be flexible and capable of working with minimal supervision.
The Undergraduate Program in Management Engineering is unique in its diversity. The program is interdisciplinary, with a broad, generalist core, followed by a flexible elective program in which students are able to concentrate on technical areas of their own choosing, as well as a number of complementary studies electives. Therefore, students in Management Engineering have a great deal of flexibility in their course selection.
The Undergraduate Coordinator is the primary contact in the Department for students in the Management Engineering BASc program, and will advise students regarding course selections and oversee their progress within the program to ensure successful graduation. The incumbent will be frequently called upon to advise students regarding academic regulations, program requirements, course availability, administrative deadlines, work term reports, calendar changes, academic progression rules, and graduation requirements. The Undergraduate Administrative Coordinator will also assist our students with individual problems relating to academic conflicts, missed classes/exams, illness, etc. The incumbent must apply sound judgement when providing academic advice to students, and be able to determine when it is best to refer students to the Associate Chair or another source on campus.
The Undergraduate Advisor/Coordinator maintains all Management Engineering student academic records, and is responsible for implementing approved curriculum changes, block enrolling students in core courses, approving their electives, and approving academic progression and recommendations for graduation reports. The incumbent will also work closely with the Department Scheduler to ensure required courses and reserves are available for Management Engineering students each term.
Organizational Relationships
The Chair, Associate Chairs, and Administrative Officer provide the general operational management within the Department of Management Sciences. There is also a Director for the distance Master’s Program in Management of Technology, who is responsible for the marketing, management and delivery of this online part-time program. Under the direction of one or more of these operational managers are an Undergraduate Studies Administrative Coordinator, Graduate Studies Administrative Coordinator, Graduate Recruitment and MSciOnline Program Administrator, Secretary to the Chair, Department Scheduler & Special Projects Assistant, and a Department Secretary. A Systems Administrator and Lab Technician manage the technical/computer support systems for the Department.
The Department of Management Sciences is one of eight academic units in the Faculty of Engineering. The Department currently has a complement of 30 faculty, 1 systems administrator, 1 laboratory technician, 7 administrative staff, plus fluctuating cross-appointed and adjunct faculty, visiting scholars and professors, and post-doctoral fellows. Our first cohort of Management Engineering co-op undergraduates were admitted in Fall 2007, which led to a steady growth in our faculty and staff complements over the last five years as we expanded our course offerings and student enrollments. Our first class of BASc Management Engineers convocated in June 2012. We have also had well established graduate programs in operation since 1969, and currently offer programs that lead to MASc, MMSc, or PhD degrees. As well, there is an Undergraduate Option in Management Sciences that is available to students enrolled in any of the other undergraduate programs in the Faculty of Engineering. In recent years, up to 20% of graduating Engineering students obtained the MSci Option.
Student Academic Records
Student Advisement
Undergraduate Office Administration
Undergraduate Calendar Representative
CEAB Accreditation Reviews
Significant Internal and External Relationships
Much of the day is spent sitting in a comfortable position in an ergonomic task chair at your workstation with frequent opportunity to move about. The incumbent works in a private indoor office, with large windows providing a view of the University Avenue streetscape. There is frequent need to give close attention to various stimuli such as email or written material in printed form or displayed on dual computer monitors, as well as information and instruction given verbally by co-workers, other administrators, faculty and students. There are many distractions, and peak busy times each term may require some evening work or lunch hours spent involved with undergraduate events. The office situation is generally relaxed, however, there is possible exposure to emotionally disturbing experiences and/or interactions with individuals who may be angry, aggressive, unstable or unpredictable in behaviour.