Department: | Faculty of Science | December, 2011 | |
Grade: |
USG 14/15 35 hr/wk |
Reports to: | Dean, Faculty of Science |
Accountable directly to the Dean of Science (or designate), and indirectly reporting to ODAA, the Director is responsible for Development and Alumni Affairs activities within the Faculty of Science. The Director works within the framework of Waterloo’s Central Office of Development and Alumni Affairs and the office of the Vice President, External Relations, to ensure that Waterloo has a co-ordinated overall strategic advancement plan.
Using professional expertise in fundraising, alumni relations, marketing and communications, proactive leadership skills and outstanding communications and interpersonal skills, the Director has accountability for all development activities in the Faculty. S/he advises and consults with the Dean, Associate Deans, Chairs and Directors within the Faculty of Science, inclusive of two professional schools, Optometry and Pharmacy. The Director of Advancement for Science works with the Vice-President External Relations and the Associate Vice Presidents (Principal Gifts and Campaigns), on matters related to University development procedures, guidelines and strategy.
The Director is accountable for the annual fundraising plan, for overseeing major gifts fundraising activity, managing a personal portfolio of major and principal gift prospects and donors, and for Sciences’ overall donor and alumni relations strategy development. The Director is also responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with faculty, staff and students relevant to Advancement objectives.
The Director oversees and provides team leadership to a professional staff of Development and Alumni Officers and additional team members. S/he provides oversight to affiliated programs in the Schools of Optometry and Pharmacy. S/he liaises and consults on University-wide development and alumni procedures and guidelines as appropriate with the University’s Office of Development and Alumni Affairs (ODAA).Other management responsibilities include overseeing the planning and development of communications materials in support of the Faculty’s advancement objectives, directing alumni relations, stewarding endowment funds, and managing special events to support the cultivation of major prospects and donors.
The Director participates in strategic planning and administration of ODAA as a member of the Directors/Associate Directors Group. Working in a collaborative team environment, s/he works closely with other staff in the ODAA, with Development/Alumni Officers from the Faculties, and with the campus community (Senior Administrators, Deans, College Heads, faculty, staff, students, and volunteers).The Director interacts with the President, Provost, Sr. Director, Government Relations to advise and support government relations as required. The Director has accountability for ensuring Advancement statistics, reports, plans, agreements, approvals and other development obligations are in keeping with University policies and provided to ODAA and other University departments as required.
Political acumen is critical; the incumbent must be sensitive to the needs and interests of schools, departments, and units in the Faculty and elsewhere in the University and have the ability to successfully manage competing development objectives.
Organizational relationships:
The Director reports to the Dean of Science, or designate. S/he will oversee a team of 4-8 individuals.
The following positions have an indirect reporting relationship to the incumbent:
The following positions report directly to the incumbent:
The Director has a direct relationship to the Associate Vice-President, Development and Campaigns (AVP, D&C) in Waterloo’s Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. The AVP, D& C serves as fundraising counsel, liaison and communications coordinator to the incumbent and his/her team and works directly with the Dean and Director to establish and manage successful of Advancement operations.
General environment:
The Faculty of Science strives to be a magnet for talent and creating an environment that nurtures such talent. The Faculty of Science is composed of two professional schools (Optometry and Pharmacy) and the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Sciences, and Physics & Astronomy. The Faculty is also home to a number of research centres and administrative units. With a variety of teaching, research and service objectives, Sciences employs more than 200 regular faculty members, an estimated 150 regular and research staff members as well as numerous adjunct and research faculty, research associates and post-doctoral fellows.
Strong undergraduate students are attracted to honours science and programs in life sciences (Biology), physical sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Earth & Environmental Sciences), and other affiliated science programs (business and aviation). The Faculty of Science also offers professional programs in Optometry and Pharmacy. In addition to regular programs, many of the programs provide a co-op education option.
The Faculty of Science is proud of its commitment to research-based graduate studies. Members of the Faculty generate over $50 million in research funding annually, supporting research by professors and graduate students in wide-ranging subject areas and disciplines such as aquatic ecology, molecular biology, toxicology, analytical and physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics, as well as geosciences, physics and astronomy, and pharmaceutical and vision sciences.
To attract and retain the best students from across Canada and beyond, Science endeavours to provide several hundred thousand dollars in undergraduate awards and relies heavily on contributions from private donors, alumni and corporate donors to fund these scholarship programs. Support for graduate student awards often requires matching donations from the private sector to fully leverage government contributions.
Science faculty are an integral part of critical mass of researchers and students pursuing a wide variety of theoretical and experimental approaches to quantum information at IQC, a scientific research institute at the University of Waterloo. Science also as a strong relationship with the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, a world-class institute based in Waterloo, devoted to theoretical physics and hosts hundreds of international researchers each year for collaborations and workshops.
The world-class research strength of UW Science has been recognised with the awarding of two (of 19 Canada-wide) Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERCs). Internationally recognized researchers, one in Quantum Information Processing and the other in Ecohydrology, have been attracted to the Faculty of Science through this program. The Faculty of Science also has a strong history of highly competitive faculty members being awarded NSERC/Industrial Research Chairs and as a result, UW Science currently has 15 faculty supported by Canada Research Chairs (NSERC and CIHR).
Faculty members hold grants from a variety of funding agencies including NSERC, CIHR, Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund, National Networks of Centres of Excellence, and Ontario Centres of Excellence.
Collaborative research relationships are in place with various Ontario Ministries (Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs; Environment; Tourism and Culture; Natural Resources Research and Innovation). There are also many research contracts with government departments (i.e., Health Canada, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) and industrial sponsors (i.e, photonics, mining and resource, and optical sectors).
Faculty of Science researchers are active participants in a wide range of external research networks and institutes such as the Canadian Water Network, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ontario Health Human Resources Research Network, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Ontario Genomics Institute, Foothills Research Institute and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
Significant internal relationships:
Significant external relationships:
Organizational relationships:
The Director reports to the Dean of Science, or designate. S/he will oversee a team of 4-8 individuals.
The following positions have an indirect reporting relationship to the incumbent:
The following positions report directly to the incumbent:
The Director has a direct relationship to the Associate Vice-President, Development and Campaigns (AVP, D&C) in Waterloo’s Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. The AVP, D& C serves as fundraising counsel, liaison and communications coordinator to the incumbent and his/her team and works directly with the Dean and Director to establish and manage successful of Advancement operations.
General environment:
The Faculty of Science strives to be a magnet for talent and creating an environment that nurtures such talent. The Faculty of Science is composed of two professional schools (Optometry and Pharmacy) and the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Sciences, and Physics & Astronomy. The Faculty is also home to a number of research centres and administrative units. With a variety of teaching, research and service objectives, Sciences employs more than 200 regular faculty members, an estimated 150 regular and research staff members as well as numerous adjunct and research faculty, research associates and post-doctoral fellows.
Strong undergraduate students are attracted to honours science and programs in life sciences (Biology), physical sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Earth & Environmental Sciences), and other affiliated science programs (business and aviation). The Faculty of Science also offers professional programs in Optometry and Pharmacy. In addition to regular programs, many of the programs provide a co-op education option.
The Faculty of Science is proud of its commitment to research-based graduate studies. Members of the Faculty generate over $50 million in research funding annually, supporting research by professors and graduate students in wide-ranging subject areas and disciplines such as aquatic ecology, molecular biology, toxicology, analytical and physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics, as well as geosciences, physics and astronomy, and pharmaceutical and vision sciences.
To attract and retain the best students from across Canada and beyond, Science endeavours to provide several hundred thousand dollars in undergraduate awards and relies heavily on contributions from private donors, alumni and corporate donors to fund these scholarship programs. Support for graduate student awards often requires matching donations from the private sector to fully leverage government contributions.
Science faculty are an integral part of critical mass of researchers and students pursuing a wide variety of theoretical and experimental approaches to quantum information at IQC, a scientific research institute at the University of Waterloo. Science also as a strong relationship with the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, a world-class institute based in Waterloo, devoted to theoretical physics and hosts hundreds of international researchers each year for collaborations and workshops.
The world-class research strength of UW Science has been recognised with the awarding of two (of 19 Canada-wide) Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERCs). Internationally recognized researchers, one in Quantum Information Processing and the other in Ecohydrology, have been attracted to the Faculty of Science through this program. The Faculty of Science also has a strong history of highly competitive faculty members being awarded NSERC/Industrial Research Chairs and as a result, UW Science currently has 15 faculty supported by Canada Research Chairs (NSERC and CIHR).
Faculty members hold grants from a variety of funding agencies including NSERC, CIHR, Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund, National Networks of Centres of Excellence, and Ontario Centres of Excellence.
Collaborative research relationships are in place with various Ontario Ministries (Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs; Environment; Tourism and Culture; Natural Resources Research and Innovation). There are also many research contracts with government departments (i.e., Health Canada, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) and industrial sponsors (i.e, photonics, mining and resource, and optical sectors).
Faculty of Science researchers are active participants in a wide range of external research networks and institutes such as the Canadian Water Network, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ontario Health Human Resources Research Network, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Ontario Genomics Institute, Foothills Research Institute and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
Significant internal relationships:
Significant external relationships:
Major Gifts: The Director of Advancement has particular responsibility for identifying cultivating, soliciting and stewarding major donors at the highest possible level ($250,000 to $1M+).
With the direction of the Associate Vice Presidents (Principal Gifts & Campaigns),
Annual Fund:
Alumni Affairs:
Government and Business Relations
Complexity, Judgement and Planning: